Thursday, February 19, 2009

Thursday Rant

While I'm waiting to go for the surgery today I thought I would post this link to a trader on the CME expressing his displeasure with Mr. Obama's mortgage rescue plan:

His question comes down to this: "do you want to pay your neighbor's mortgage?" The President's mortgage rescue plan rewards bad behavior. People who lived and borrowed beyond their means will be bailed out while the rest of us who followed the rules, lived prudently, saved, and paid our bills on time are chumps. Why bother doing the right thing when those who are stupid get a do-over? In fact, the playground do-over is a corner stone of democrat policy. Bad behavior, poor choices, stupidity? Go ahead and take a do-over and re-set everything. Done it again? That's OK, have another do-over. The responsible people in this country are carrying the load for the do-over crowd and the President is telling us that we are essentially chumps for doing the right thing. What happens when everyone wants do-overs?

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