Monday, December 13, 2010

The Grouch and the Missus step out!

So, the Grouch and the Missus went to the Military Ball this past Saturday. I had drill that same day, so I was up at 4:45, drove 60 miles to the post, had drill, was released at 1 p.m., drove home in traffic, collapsed on the bed for a nap, got up, struggled into the dress uniform first purchased in 1986 which still fits reasonably well, admired the Missus in her new dress and
hairdo, and set off to go to Anaheim, about 80 miles back the way I had just come from. We were running a bit late but then these things never start on time anyway. It looked like we were going to be half an hour late. Well I hadn't counted on L.A. traffic. After a promising start we hit heavy traffic and crawled along for the next hour and a half. We were about an hour and a half late and by the time we got there just about everyone was seated and the speeches were just about finished. Fortunately we found a table to sit at where the Missus became fast friends with the lady sitting next to her, a retired school principal. They were instant best buddies. We had a great dinner, the Missus won a book in a drawing "Winning" by Jack Welch (how appropriate, she won a book about winning!), a piper played his bagpipes, and the band was even good! The Grouch got up to dance not once but three times! The only problem for the evening was that the Grouch's clip on bow tie kept falling off at inopportune times! Guess it had been to one too many parties.
Here are the much requested pictures. Click on the picture for a larger view!

The happy couple departs Grouch estates. The temperature was in the 70s. Take that, Midwest!

The piper, an SMR soldier. The Missus absolutely cannot resist a man in a kilt.

The Missus looking beautiful and grown up.

Here we are again looking pale. It was the lighting.

A fun time was had by both of us and we were home before midnight (just) so we didn't turn into pumpkins.


  1. I can just imagine the bow tie falling off! You and Mom both look very nice. I like Mom's new dress and also the wreath hanging on the side of the house. Thanks for the requested pictures.

  2. You both look fantastic! Great pictures, and dancing 3 times?!? I don't know what to make of all this madness!
