Sunday, February 28, 2010

New Job!

The new job starts on the 8th! Everything is finalized, finished, and done. I took the physical for the new job on Tuesday; the doc said I had the blood pressure of a 20 year old man which gratified me so much I went out and ate some greasy food to celebrate. I am still laboring away at my current job and trying to direct folks to others for help since I won't be there soon.

More to come on this subject in a week or so. Stay tuned.

1 comment:

  1. Congratulations on both the new job and excellent blood pressure!! It must run in the family because mine is always good too, although I don't understand how seeing how poorly I eat and all of the stress I seem to experience. Good genes coming through for me, I guess.

    I think I might be starting my job on the 8th too, that would be pretty cool.
