Sunday, January 24, 2010

Watch out Los Angeles

The young son and I went driving today. I thought I handled it very well and only had to grab the wheel twice to stop the car from impacting the curb. Young son said later that I was not as relaxed as I told the Mrs and in fact I was somewhat loud and excited. The funny sight on the driving (we were going around and around the industrial center) was the other student driver going the other way past us. In the car was the driver (a teenage girl looking terrified), an adult passenger, and the car was going 28 in a 45 zone all telltale signs of a driver in training. By the end of the half hour of driving young son was actually doing not so bad.

As mentioned we watched "Downfall" last night. A long movie with subtitles, it was very much worth watching. A fascinating story, well done, and added more to my knowledge of the last days of WW2 in Germany. Some information about the movie here:
I highly recommend it to anyone. It is not only for those with an interest in history but it was also a powerful human drama. The scene of Magda Goebbels calmly placing cyanide capsules in the mouths of her sleeping children and killing them one by one was wrenching to see.

With that less than cheerful vision it is time for me to go to bed. A good week to all!

1 comment:

  1. Kudos to son #2 for handling the driving lessons so well! I don't remember much about my initial driving lessons, but the lessons in the Suzuki are forever etched in my mind. I'm still surprised I didn't die of a heart attack the first time I was instructed to leave the industrial center and drive home.

    I have seen the "Downfall of Grammar" spoof before but never the actual movie. Based on the last scene you described, this mom might have to skip it. Hard to believe that actually happened in real life.
