Thursday, August 11, 2011

English Pantomime

English pantomime...wah?  Has the Grouch lost his mind completeley now?   So there I was flat on my back at 20, wait a minute, that's what they said in WW2.

 Actually there I was flat on my back on the living room floor doing my exercises when for some reason I flashed back to a Christmas many years ago when the Missus and the young ones and I went to a theater to see a unique brand of live English theater called a pantomime.  This was a hilarious one man version of the Wizard of Oz that involved hand puppets, audience participation, songs, and some mild double entrende.  At the time I thought it was just a very funny show until several years later when listening to NPR radio they had a piece about English pantomime and I thought 'that's what we saw!' and promptly forgot all about it....until tonight.  The phrase pantomime popped into my head, I jumped up from the exercise floor (ok I rolled over, got slowly to my knees and stood up creaking like a windjammer in a storm), hobbled to the computer and typed in English pantomime and learned all about it again!   In case anyone else wants to be educated, here is a link to a Wikipedia entry about it

If you ever hear about a Christmas pantomime showing near you, don't hesitate, don't delay, get your ticket and go!


  1. Do they have English panto in the US? I've looked for a long time and never seen one advertised anyehere. :)

  2. It is around, we saw it in the L.A. area about 20 years ago. It was the funniest live theater I have ever seen!
