When I left my last place of employment I had recently gotten another box of business cards. Being the frugal type that I am I took them with me figuring that I would find some use for them. I didn't want to leave the cards behind and have what happened to me in Michigan when I worked for Pepsi happen again. I got a call from a woman at work one day asking about the job I promised her. I told her that I didn't know what she was talking about. She insisted that I had promised her a job and gave her my card in a bar in downtown Grand Rapids. I asked her what I looked like and she described the beverage warehouse manager. That rascal had lifted one of my cards and handed it out in the bar! I told her what happened and she either believed me or figured she wasn't going to get anywhere with me anyway and hung up. I let the warehouse guy know what I thought of his trick. He thought it was funny and after awhile I did too.
So, now I have this whole box of business cards sitting in the garage on my workbench. When I left for the range this morning an idea occurred to me and I grabbed a handful of them. I stapled 10 cards to my rifle target and set the target out at 50 yards. They make great targets for a .22 rifle! I had the triple satisfaction of getting free targets, getting good fun, and putting bullet holes through the logo of that blankety blank company that I used to work for! What could be better?
I ran into one of my employees at the range. We were both surprised to see the other there. He and his group had a cool lifesize (deadsize?) zombie head and torso target that is filled with a gel. When it is shot the gel oozes out. Now that is cool! They dressed it in a shirt and hat for added realism. I've got to get one!
So, now I have this whole box of business cards sitting in the garage on my workbench. When I left for the range this morning an idea occurred to me and I grabbed a handful of them. I stapled 10 cards to my rifle target and set the target out at 50 yards. They make great targets for a .22 rifle! I had the triple satisfaction of getting free targets, getting good fun, and putting bullet holes through the logo of that blankety blank company that I used to work for! What could be better?
I ran into one of my employees at the range. We were both surprised to see the other there. He and his group had a cool lifesize (deadsize?) zombie head and torso target that is filled with a gel. When it is shot the gel oozes out. Now that is cool! They dressed it in a shirt and hat for added realism. I've got to get one!
I will fly all the way back to CA to go shooting with you if there is a faux zombie involved.