Monday, March 2, 2009

Too Many 'Special People' in the world

Ok, I wasn't grouchy over the weekend so I think I will make up for it today. Once again I had to drive to work today due to another doctor's appointment which put me constantly in close proximity with the horde of Special People who inhabit this slice of paradise (or hell -I haven't decided which it is yet) called Los Angeles. Once again I was forced to make the acquaintance of these Special People to whom rules, regulations, common decency and a sense of humanity do not apply. These privileged ones may drive as they please, where they please, in any manner that they see fit and the common hoi polloi must be ready at any time to respond with the race track tuned inner 6th sense of a Jackie Stewart to steer, dodge, or brake to avoid them. Of course it is our (collective) fault that we are even on the road when they are also present. To them, we are the spear carriers in their opera and they are the soloist.

Speaking of ungrates the greedy finches are now emptying the finch feeder in an amazing one hour! This Olympic-worthy record was achieved this past Saturday. My reaction was to plan to fill the feeder every other day to teach them some self restraint. Mary's reaction was to go to Walmart today and buy a specialized feeder that has not one but two feeding socks and buy two large sacks of food! I think I need to examine the back of Mary's neck when she is next sleeping to see if the finches installed a tiny electronic chip to control her free will Ala "Invaders from Mars."

Something not to be grouchy about: The doctor removed the stitches from my knee, said it looks fantastic (he would be one to know a fantastic knee) and said I can start riding my bike again. I believe I will start mid week with an easy couple of miles and take it from there. I will start therapy next week for a month.

Something to be very grouchy about: The state of all of our 401k's. The economy pretty much seems to be in a free-fall. Pay your debts, put some food up and buy another box of cartridges. It may be an interesting 2009 and 2010 may be even more so.


  1. Maybe these "Special People" you speak of just like to follow our family around, because I seem to encounter them all the time out here! Mine are usually your garden variety 22 year old soldier driving a giant pick up truck who are seemingly unconcerned for my daughter's safety. I can't be held responsible if I ram one of them one day in my car (if I catch up to them, that is).

    Great news about the knee, but please continue to take it easy! Don't make me come out there and yell at you.

    And my poor husband made the mistake of opening his TSP statement a few days ago...the value dropped so much that all of the money we put in last year is gone, and then some. It's as if we didn't contribute at all in 2008. Same thing with Laura's investment account! Yikes.

    PS. If Mom does have a chip in her neck, see what else you can get out of her under the guise of needing it for the finches!

  2. My IRA is down, but at least I still hold the shares, so it might go up someday...
