Sunday, May 23, 2010

What a Week!

What a week! The Grouch family had not one, not two, not three, but four big events all in the past week!

We started Monday with eldest son's honor convocation at CSUN for his honors achievement in History. The ceremony started at 6 p.m. and was held on the CSUN library lawn. Who could imagine that it would rain that day! Fortunately it didn't rain hard and the rain was finished just in time for the ceremony to start.

Some of the Grouch family plus eldest son's lady friend who must remain nameless in respect to blog etiquette.

Eldest son and friend with the evidence of his achievement displayed for the world to see.

We had one day's rest and then back to CSUN Wednesday morning for eldest son's graduation. We arrived in time to get seats but the lady friend and her mother got there at the last minute creating a cliff hanger atmosphere. Mrs. Grouch had to get stern with someone who harbored the idea that he would take the saved seats. Mrs. Grouch stared him down and saved the seats.

The Grouches, The lady friend + mom and two more eldest son friends. But wait, there's more!

Friday evening young son was confirmed after two year's of preparation. Eldest son was his sponsor. They both look fantastic and the parents don't look too bad.
We're not done yet!

Saturday, eldest son held a party for his friends to celebrate his graduation. People came all the way from San Diego to attend the party of the year. The pool was heated to a balmy 85F which was a good thing because the temperature dropped that day to the low 60's with high winds. It got chilly! But since they are all young the weather meant nothing to them. They swam, they drank, they played music 'till 3 and had a great time.

Simultaneously, young son and Mrs. Grouch traveled to West L.A. to see and participate in a midnight showing of the "Rocky Horror Picture Show", that staple of college campuses throughout the 70s. Young son and friends were outfitted in appropriate costumes by the mother of one of the show-goers and all looked the part of RHPS participants. A little known fact is that Mrs. Grouch saw the RHPS in London as a stage musical in its first run when she was in high school. The high school was a Catholic school and the nuns chaperoning the class trip had no idea what RHPS was about when the tickets were purchased. Fortunately the nuns didn't attend the show. Mrs, Grouch and young son and friends had a good time and got back to suburbia at 3 a.m. I stayed home and I admit that I was sound asleep by then.
Time for the Grouch to go back to work and get some rest!

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