Friday, January 3, 2025

The surpassing of the master

 As the father to four children, I frequently enlisted their help, willingly and unwillingly, when doing various projects around the house.  They would hold a flashlight (usually pointed in the wrong place), pass me tools, and hold fasteners until needed.  My oldest son is apparently still traumatised by the flashlight duty that he performed, because he posts memes about it on social media.

The other day youngest son and I went to our church to assemble a metal locker to be used by my wife's knitting club at the church.  I brought my tool bag filled with screw drivers, cordless drill, pliers, crescent wrench, tape measure, but no flashlight.

While I was still examining the directions, youngest son armed himself with a cross tip driver and went to work.  Soon I was reduced to holding the scews for him and holding my cell phone to light up his work.

It struck me right there that I was filling the role that the children had done for me those many years ago.

At !east I pointed the light in the right direction.

Wednesday, December 4, 2024

In Praise of the Library

 Growing up, one of my best treats was a trip to the local library.  It was in the next town over from the small suburban borough where I lived, so I was dependent on a ride from my parents to get there.

I'd clatter up the stairs, past display cases filled with relics from the Civil War incluing GAR badges and caps, and into the children's section.  There I was introduced to science fiction by Robert Heinlein, and to the Tom Corbett-Space Cadet series.   I could spend hours there, searching for books and looking at the stereo card collection with a genuine stereo card viewer.

Moving on in life, I've always had at least one library card in my wallet ( today I have cards in three different library systems but don't tell, they might get jealous).  A library is a must for a community and a good library is a blessing.

More recently I've started attending the monthly book club meeting at the local library with the Missus, an hour for the attendees to discuss a book or books that each has read (in an allocated five minutes per person please).  Despite being outnumbered 20 to 1 by the female attendees, I've always felt welcome.  The two library ladies not only do book stuff, they do craft sessions, make pet toys for the animal shelter, do seasonal celebrations, a veterans day 'Talk With a Veteran" event, and today provided snacks, sausage balls (yum!), cookies, and small presents to us book people!  The library ladies are awesome.

I love my library!

Sunday, November 24, 2024


 Over a month ago and in the early morning I was struck with rapidly intensifying chest pains, vomiting, and fainting (not necessarily in that order).  It got so bad that the Missus called 911 and before I knew it, 4 firemen and 2 paramedics were in my bedroom.

I ended up being transported to the local hospital and then admitted to a second one for various heart tests. At this point they don't know the cause of the big show.  But that's not the point of this post.

What I was struck by was the calm, caring, and very professional attitude shown by everyone I came in contact with during my journey through the medical process.  Despite being the middle of the night the first round of staff were chipper, friendly, and very responsive. Who can be so awake at 3 a.m.?  The follow on day shift nurses and doctors were equally so.

The Missus was wonderful and caring, responding to the crisis with efficiency and staying by my side.  Sons and daughter gathered at bedside, and younger daughter checked in from the west coast.

It is at times like this that I am reminded how lucky we all are that we have people who want to help strangers like myself.  

I am doubly lucky to have such a loving and caring family.  We don't know what we have until it is put on the line.

Thanks to all.

Sunday, November 10, 2024

Wordle as a Personality Test

 The Missus and I recently discovered Wordle.  For the three people in the world not familiar with Wordle, I will elaborate:  Wordle is an on-line game provided daily for free (yay!) By the New York Times (boo!).  In this game, you are given six attempts to guess a five letter word.  Proper names are not allowed but sometimes slang is.  The game keeps track of how many times you guess the word correctly (winning streak) and how long the previous streak was (in my case, 23).

It is interesting to see how the end goal (maximize the streak) is approached by the two of us.  The Missus, being very competitive, has a main goal (the winning streak) and a secondary goal (correct guess in as few guesses as possible).  Me on the other hand, being both a grouch and risk adverse, wants to not lose.  To me, a correct guess, even in six tries, is a win.  And a win is a win at the end of the day.  I will use chances to find and exlude letters even if it means using words thst I know aren't correct.

Whose strategy is best?  I would like to say mine, but she has longer winning streaks.  Maybe she's just smarter than I.   I do come up with some pretty obscure albeit not correct word guesses.  That must count for something!

Friday, November 8, 2024

New puppy plus 4 years

 Last time our puppy was mentioned was 2020.  She is now 4 and is named Nessie! She is the world's smallest collie and the most loving.

Hello to the Missus

 The Missus told me that she sometimes checks this blog, the one I haven't even looked at for some years, so this a hello to her.

Perhaps I'll start contributing again!

Saturday, February 22, 2020

Snow Day!

Here in temperate and rainy central North Carolina it doesn't snow much or at least for the two years we've been here.  The previous snow fall was 14 months ago but the 'snow drought' was broken this week!

After much hoopla and anticipation the steady rain that had been falling gradually turned to sleet and then actual snow late in the afternoon.  By that time the schools had closed and the offices and shops had emptied out as everyone streamed to Food Lion to pick up the obligatory NC disaster food: Milk, Bread, Eggs.  The 11 p.m. news showed empty food shelves as panicked pre-Apocalypse persons had already picked those three food groups as their items of choice to survive the coming snow-pocalypse.

We of course ventured out for our usual nightly walk and found blowing snow, slushy roads, and a biting 32F wind.  What was this, the Great White North?

Even though the temperature was 28F when we got up, some of the snow had already started to melt off from last night.  The ground and pavement was still warm so the snow was fighting a losing battle to stick around.  Our morning walk was pretty though.

Kerby found that doing her business in the snow was not what she had signed up for when she agreed to come to NC with us but finally was brave enough to try it.  Such is the dog's life!